Tuesday 12 April 2011

Chasing the Girls

Hi Everybody,
Well as the Title suggests, Monday was Chasing-The-Girls-Day.It all started on Sunday,we had heard about a chicken auction close by, so off we went to buy a few more chickens, which we did. brought them home, only four of them, and slowly let them into the paddock with our other four chickens, all seemed fine, they eyed each other up and down, circled each other, it was just like the O-K- Corral,when was it going to kick off.All seemed well for a while but then the three cria in the paddock started,chasing the new chickens every where, it is amazing how they all feel Alpacas and Chickens included when someone new invades their space. we eventually got them all bedded down for the night, thinking what a good job we had done.
Monday morning came, and we let the chickens out, All Hell broke loose the Cria were chasing them our four chickens were chasing them, they quickly fled in all directions,which ended in Ann, Sharon, and myself trying to gather them in. Around two hours later we managed to achieve that, sitting down to a nice cup of tea I turned to my wife Ann, and said pet it is many years since I was Chasing the Girls we both looked at each other and laughed.
Just thought I would let you all know about my Chasing The Girls Day.
Bye for now Chase-End-Joe.

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